
Syphilis is a bacterial infection that is sexually transmitted.  This is not as common as some of the other bacterial STIs but can lead to very serious health problems if it is left untreated. It is treated  with antibiotics, usually as an injection (or injections).

Syphilis can be passed on through vaginal, anal or oral sex (especially without a condom). It can also be passed from mother to baby during pregnancy.

As many people with Syphilis are unaware they have it, passing the infection on without realising is common.

You can test for HIV and Syphilis from the same blood sample with our self-collect test kits.
Order a Test here

Signs & Symptoms

It is important to note that symptoms of Syphilis can be easy to ignore, as they are often mild and
disappear after a while.

There are four stages of Syphilis infection and signs and symptoms are different for each of the
stages (primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary).

A firm, painless, non-itchy skin ulcer (chancre) is often found in the primary stage – most commonly
two to three weeks after being in contact with the infection.  These usually appear where the infection
has entered the body, which means that although they are commonly found in the genital area, they
can also appear on the mouth, throat, fingers or buttocks. These can take several weeks to heal,
during which time they are extremely infectious. The infection spreads to other parts of the body
within the first six weeks and becomes Secondary Syphilis.



Testing & Treatment


Syphilis can be detected via a blood test. It can take anywhere up to 12 weeks after being infected to
show up in the blood.  If you tested within the window period, the test may not have been able to
detect infections that were present. If this is the case, we would recommend taking a further test at a
later date to cover a specific risk, or testing every three months.

You can test for HIV and Syphilis from the same blood sample with our self-collect test kits.
Order a Test here


Antibiotics are given (usually penicillin unless there is a genuine allergy). This may be in the form of
an injection and could be either one, two, or three injections, depending on how long you are likely to
have had the infection.
You can test for HIV and Syphilis from the same blood sample with our self-collect test kits. Order a Test here

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